Why being easy to pay ... pays!

Oct 03, 2023

Save time by linking your Xero account to payment gateways

Linking your accounts
Adam O'Sullivan | SB Sammut Bulow Ipswich Accountant

We know many small business clients spend a significant amount of time processing invoices manually, but did you know that you can save time by Linking your Xero invoices to popular payment gateways. Payment gateways provide significant benefits for your business; freeing up time which can be invested elsewhere within your business.

Let's break down the advantages of payment gateways

Faster payment processing: This one is a biggie. By integrating your Xero invoices with payment gateways like PayPal, Stripe, or Parakeet, you can receive payments faster. When your customers receive an invoice, they can simply click on the payment link and make a payment immediately, without any additional steps required. This means you'll get paid faster, reducing the time you have to spend following up on payments.

Automated payment reconciliation: With payment gateway integration, Xero can automatically reconcile payments received against the relevant invoices. This can save you significant time and effort compared to manual reconciliation, as well as reducing the risk of errors.

Reduced manual data entry: When payments are made through a payment gateway, the payment details are automatically recorded in Xero. This means you don't have to manually enter payment details, reducing the risk of errors and saving you time.

Improved cash flow management: By receiving payments faster and automating payment reconciliation, you can improve your cash flow management. This can help you make better decisions about managing your business finances and reduce the time you have to spend on financial management tasks.

Have questions? We're here to help. Sammut Bulow are your Ipswich business accounting experts located in the historic Top of Town precinct in Ipswich Queensland.



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